Please note: All listed rates are starting rates and may vary depending on the location and the type of vehicle selected. The rates below apply specifically to our minivans, which accommodate up to 7 passengers and 6 Bags. Rates are based on two passengers, with an additional charge of $5 for each extra passenger.
For a more accurate quote, please contact us with your specific details, and we will provide a personalized estimate.
Albany | $200 | Keizer | $140 |
Aloha | $85 | Kelso | $75 |
Amity | $150 | King City | $85 |
Arlington | $300 | Lake Oswego | $75 |
Astoria | $270 | Lebanon | $220 |
Aumsivlle | $180 | Lincolin City | $310 |
Aurora | $100 | Madras | $440 |
Bank | $110 | Maupin | $250 |
Barlow | $95 | McMinnville | $160 |
Beaverton | $80 | Milwaukie | $75 |
Bend | $450 | Molalla | $100 |
Bethany | $80 | Monmouth | $180 |
Boardman | $380 | Mt. Angles | $160 |
Bonny Slope | $75 | Mt. Hood | $220 |
Boring | $80 | Newberge | $110 |
Brwnsville | $240 | Newport | $450 |
Canby | $95 | North Plains | $100 |
Cannon Beach | $290 | Oregon City | $85 |
Carlton | $145 | Pacific City | $290 |
Cascade Locks | $125 | Pendelton | $550 |
Cedar Hills | $75 | Portland | $75 |
Ceder Mill | $75 | Prescott | $150 |
Celilo Village | $250 | Rainier | $150 |
Clackmas | $75 | Redmond | $450 |
Clatskanie | $175 | Rivergrove | $75 |
Columbia | $150 | Rockcreek | $80 |
Corbette | $90 | Rose Burg | $450 |
Cornellius | $100 | Salem | $150 |
Corvallis | $280 | Sandy | $95 |
Cove Orchard | $140 | Scappoose | $110 |
Dallas | $190 | Scholls | $100 |
Damascus | $80 | Scotts Mills | $100 |
Dayton | $130 | Seaside | $290 |
Depoe Bay | $330 | Sheridan | $170 |
Detroit | $280 | Sherwood | $95 |
Donald | $105 | Silverton | $150 |
Dundee | $120 | Sisters | $450 |
Durham | $75 | Springfield | $280 |
Estacada | $100 | St. Helens | $140 |
Eugene | $340 | St. Paul | $130 |
Fall Creek | $355 | Stayton | $180 |
Forest Grove | $110 | Sweet Home | $270 |
Forest Height | $80 | The Dalles | $170 |
Gales Creek | $130 | Tigard | $85 |
Gaston | $145 | Tillamook | $240 |
Gervias | $145 | Timberline | $180 |
Gladston | $75 | Troutdale | $75 |
Gov. Camps | $180 | Tualatin | $85 |
Gresham | $75 | Tuner | $170 |
Happy Valley | $75 | Umatilla | $420 |
Heppner | $420 | Vernonia | $170 |
Hermiston | $400 | Wapato | $150 |
Hillsboro | $90 | Warren | $110 |
Hood River | $160 | Wasco | $255 |
Hoskins | $220 | West Linn | $85 |
Hubbard | $110 | West Slope | $85 |
Independence | $170 | White Salmon | $170 |
Johnson City | $75 | Wilsonville | $100 |
Johntzen Beach | $75 | Wood Burn | $140 |
Amboy | $100 | Olympia | $300 |
Battleground | $90 | Orchards | $85 |
Bingen | $160 | Pasco | $480 |
Bucoda | $260 | Rainier | $250 |
Camas | $75 | Raymond | $340 |
Castle Rock | $180 | Ridgefield | $90 |
Cathlamet | $200 | Rosburg | $260 |
Centralia | $260 | Salmon Creek | $85 |
Chehalis | $255 | Seatac | $400 |
Chinook | $340 | Seattle | $450 |
Couger | $120 | Skamania Lodge | $130 |
Felida | $75 | Skamokawa | $250 |
Goldendale | $300 | Stevenson | $170 |
Grays River | $240 | Toledo | $200 |
Hazel Dell | $75 | Toutle | $190 |
Husum | $170 | Vancouver | $75 |
Image | $75 | Walla Walla | $530 |
Kalama | $140 | Walnut Grove | $75 |
Kelso | $170 | Washougal | $80 |
Klickitat | $200 | Winlock | $170 |
LA Center | $95 | Wishram | $230 |
Long Beach | $330 | Woodland | $95 |
Long View | $150 | Yacolt | $100 |
Mill Plain | $75 | Yakima | $460 |
Minnehaha | $75 | Yale | $130 |
Morton | $270 | ||
Mossyrock | $260 | ||
Mt. Saint Helens | $210 | ||
Napavine | $230 |
Mo-Su: 24 hours